Vad gör du här?

Här får du möta några av de som valt att göra karriär, leva och utvecklas i Jönköping. Varje story är ett svar på vår inledande fråga: Vad gör du här?

»I create solutions that make shopping worth people’s time«
Pablo Chavez

Pablo Chavez

Mjukvaruutvecklare, ITAB Shop Concept

– ITAB is one of the global leaders in new solutions for better customer experiences in stores. One of our most known products today is the automatic gates with code readers, commonly used at the checkouts in supermarkets.

– There is a lot of desire to contribute here at ITAB and we’ve really pushed the innovative thinking forward during the last few years. It’s all driven by the dramatic changes we see in how consumers in physical stores are changing their behavior and attitudes. As consumers we are all becoming increasingly tougher to please, as we expect more of the experience when we visit a supermarket or any kind of store. Everything needs to run ever smoother and easier, so no one will feel that they are wasting valuable time when shopping.

– I was living in Querétaro, which is two hours north of Mexico City. It’s an absolutely beautiful place with a city center declared a World Heritage site by the United Nations. So I guess a natural question would be: Why would I want to move to Sweden?

– Well, it all began when a friend of mine moved to Jönköping, and as he had settled here, we were talking on the phone one day. He was absolutely struck by this peaceful place by the beautiful lakes and the beach – and he also told me about Swedish work life in general. After visiting him in 2016, I was just as taken by the city as he was, and I came back the year after when I got a job as a coach for a local American football team.

– Then I briefly returned to Mexico again, but in 2018 I landed a job at an IT company here – and this time I was finally able to stay for real. Three years later, I was invited to work at ITAB, and I feel I’m certainly in the right place, where I can fully use my skills.

– I’ve thought about this a bit, and I’ve concluded that there are three strong reasons why I love Sweden. The first is the “lagom” philosophy, which really makes people respect each other. The second is Skatteverket (the National Treasury) and that everybody pays taxes – it makes the whole society run so smoothly. And finally, there is this natural concern for equality between people, no matter if you are young or old or what your background or gender is. That mindset is unique to Sweden, and supports society so all can live better.

– Today I live downtown Jönköping (Kålgården). I really like how easy it is to move about in the streets, there’s this nice accessibility everywhere. In a bigger perspective, Jönköping feels like the center of Scandinavia, right between Gothenburg and Stockholm. It’s easy to travel to other European countries as well, or to Sälen to ski, or to the south. I feel very fortunate to be able to live here and I will try to contribute to my workplace, the city and the society as much as I can.

Det bästa med Jönköping

»... är att staden känns som Skandinaviens centrum.«

ITAB Shop Concept

ITAB Shop Concept


På ITAB hjälper vi kunder att förverkliga sin konsumentupplevelse med kunskap, lösningar och ett ekosystem av partners.

Tillsammans med kunderna skapar vi effektiva lösningar som bidrar till smidiga och inspirerande upplevelser. Erbjudandet inkluderar designrådgivning, kundanpassad butiksinredning, kassadiskar, kundflödeslösningar, professionella belysningssystem och digitalt interaktiva lösningar för den fysiska butiken.

Idag hjälper vi kunder inom flera olika sektorer, så som: Grocery, Home Improvements, Consumer Electronics, Fashion, Café & Service stations samt Pharmacy, Health & Beauty.

Verksamhet finns i ca. 24 länder i Europa, Sydamerika och Kina. ITAB omsatte 2021 ca. 6,2 miljarder SEK och bolagets aktie är noterad på Nasdaq Stockholm.

ITAB Shop Concepts karriärsida


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